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T eens
The ROBOTS project used personal testimonies and photos to showcase how Instagram affects political and social activism. The ROBOTS video shows how youtube is often times a "big brother or sister" to young teens who turn to those videos for guidance.
All ROBOTS media is meant to highlight the positive influence social media can have on teen lives.
Anchor 1
Check out a
personal testimony.
To shed light on the importance of social media in youth activism, both social and political, the ROBOTS team recorded the testimony of Anna Denisenko, the communications manager of the Youth Activism project. @youactproject
“YouTube is a great platform for those who wish to spread a positive message and share their passions with the world, as their voices have the potential to be heard by millions of people.”
- Hannah Murphy, writer from The Pentucket Profile
“Children and teens seeing their favorite influencers making a difference in the world is inspiring and spreads the message that anyone can take action on issues one is passionate about.”
- Hannah Murphy, writer from The Pentucket Profile
Check out our video
The purpose of our video is to showcase teenager's experience with social media and how it affects their lives.
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